Tax Deductible Donations

Your donation will be tax deductible in terms of Section 18A(1)(a) of the Income Tax Act of 1962. The donation received will be used exclusively for the objectives of the STORMS NPC.

STORMS NPC Registration Number: 2016/129156/08 | NPO Number: 317-569 | PBO Number: 930084061

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Donor Name
Nature of Donor
Form of Donation
Please make your donation to the following bank account. A Tax Certificate will be issued and emailed once payment has been received. Account Name: STORMS NPC Bank: Standard Branch: Plettenberg Bay (Branch code: 050714) Account Number: 10186030264

Thank you.

Please make your donation to the following bank account. A Tax Certificate will be issued and emailed once payment has been received.

Bank account: STORMS NPC, Standard Bank, Account No: 10186030264, Plettenberg Bay, Branch Code: 050714. Please use your name or business name as reference.

Storms River Village NPC


Take a look at a list of our past, current, and future projects.

Storms River Village Non Profit Company STORMS Icon

Approved Members

Our Approved Members seal ensures that you can feel safe in a great place. 


About the NPC ​

STORMS NPC was established in 2021 when the residents and business owners recognized the need for all members of our community to work together.



We have an ongoing requirement for volunteers and will be posting more details on the website soon. In the meantime please get in touch with us.

Storms River Village Chameleon Mascot
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