
About the Non Profit Company
STORMS NPC functions across the board to include community development projects, youth development, taking care of our environment, preserving and sharing our history, focus on tourism, marketing, events, safety, and standards.
STORMS NPC is the driving force behind many initiatives, including the Approved Members program.
STORMS NPC was established in 2021 when the residents and business owners recognized the need for all members of our community to work together.
There are approximately 3000 residents in Storms River Village. The village is surrounded by outstanding geophysical features that attract both local and international visitors. Our local economy is 95% driven by tourism.
We address issues like collaboration with relevant organisations, sponsoring equipment, installing security cameras, working with health issues, by-law infringements, clearing forest paths, cleaning up the village, assisting members of the community through our security groups, and making the village beautiful and safe for residents and visitors.
There has been a dramatic drop in crime since our involvement. Many have already been assisted by the NPC and we are enthusiastic about our future and everything we believe we can achieve together.
We work to better the lives of everyone in the village in ways we can.
The Storms River Village brand design and website are STORMS NPC initiatives.
We have forged solid relationships on behalf of an all-inclusive Storms River Village of residents and businesses, with SAPS, the NPA (at an Eastern Cape Regional level), SANParks, SANParks Honorary Rangers, People and Parks, Natures Valley Trust, MTO, Dryland Event Management (organisers of our biggest event – the Storms River Glacier by Sanlam Mountain Bike Traverse) and by default, Glacier by Sanlam.
We receive small monthly donations from the businesses in the village and rely on funding and volunteers.
Use the details below to make an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) straight into our account: STORMS NPC, Standard Bank, Account No: 10186030264, Plettenberg Bay, Branch Code: 050714. Please use your name as reference, and get in touch with us.
We have an ongoing requirement for volunteers and will be posting more details on the website soon. In the meantime please get in touch with us.